Welcome to ¡®Modern Development of Korean Economy¡¯ Class Website!

Fall 2018, University of Hong Kong

Professor: Kim, Sei-Wan

Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

Last Updated November 6, 2018

Lecture Note and Reading Materials

Announcement & Homework


¡¤  Syllabus


¡¤  Tell me about yourself!

Please fill out the ¡®Tell me about yourself¡¯ file and send it to me at swan@ewha.ac.kr


¡¤  Reading 1: Lessons from Korean Economic  Growth


¡¤  Lecture note 1: South Korea¡¯s Economic Development


¡¤  Lecture note 2: North Korea¡¯s Economic Development


¡¤  Jack¡¯s Question and my answer


¡¤  About important macroeconomic variables  (October 10¡¯s lecture note)


¡¤  Jack¡¯s Question 2 and my answer


¡¤  Sample Qs for the mid-term exam (on October 19th)


¡¤  Lecture note 3: South Korean Economy Today


¡¤  Lecture note 4: North Korean Economy Today


¡¤  Abbey¡¯s experience in North Korea


¡¤  Lecture note 5: South Korea¡¯s Major Industries


¡¤  Lecture note for December 5¡¯s offline class: Is North Korean Economy Improving under Kim Jungeun¡¯s Regime?


¡¤ As long as our budget allows, one student from this class will be invited to Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea in August 2019. Ewha Womans University provides air ticket, room and board, and sightseeing in Korea. Academic performance in this class will be given the first priority in selecting the student.


¡¤  You can talk to me through SKYPE.

My SKYPE ID is ¡®swan7227.¡¯

I will be on line from 30 minutes before class time. If you want to see me over SKYPE other than above time, email me for arrangement.


¡¤ Homework 1: Summarize my interview on Korea-US FTA (free trade agreement) in a less than one page and then turn in to my TA Nuri at eitand44@naver.com by September 19th (Wednesday). Thanks!

    Korea-US FTA


¡¤ Grading Standard: Midterm exam has 100 points, final exam has 100 points, and homework has 50 points. In aggregate, 250 is the total credit of grading. Thanks!


¡¤ Class Schedule over Chuseok Holidays

    Check out modified class schedule over Korean National Holidays.

- September 26, 2018: No class

- October 3, 2018: Regular class

- October 10, 2018: Recorded lecture about important macroeconomic variables


¡¤  Homework 2: Summarize Reading 1 of ¡®Lessons from Korean Economic Growth¡¯ by Susan Collins then turn in to my TA Nuri at eitand44@naver.com by October 10th (Wednesday). In her article, pay attention to Korean government¡¯s policy stability. Thanks!


¡¤  The Mid-term Exam will be given on October 19th (Friday). There won¡¯t be lecture on October 17th (Wednesday).


¡¤ We need your feedback to improve Ewha E-school. Please joins the following survey link.





¡¤ Homework 3: Summarize my interview on Samsung Chaebol and then turn in to Nuri at eitand44@naver.com by November 7th (Wednesday). Thanks!

Samsung Today


¡¤  No class on November 14, 2018 due to Seiwan¡¯s presentation at conference.

    I am asking you to understand this.


Supplementary lecture will be given on December 5, 2018 through offline lecture at HKU campus. It means we see face to face on December 5th.

It also means that the final exam will be postponed by a week and rescheduled by Professor Kim, Su Yun.